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4 Quick Tips For Using Tea Bags

By February 29, 2012

Here are 4 quick tips for using tea bags around the house that can save you time, stress and even some money.

1. Use a wet tea bag to soothe a shaving cut or nick. The tannic properties in tea helps soothe inflammations.

2. Use a tea bag or two when potting plants. Just place tea bags on the drainage hole of the planter. They'll help retain water so your plants can grow better.

3. Use tea bags to help loosed stuck food on pots and pans. Fill the pot or pan with warm water, toss in a tea bag and let soak. The acids in the tea should help loosen the stuck on food.

4. Use tea bags to soften skin. When you run your next bath, hold a couple of tea bags under the running water. Tea has antioxidants that can help rehydrate and soften skin.

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