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Collecting Change Really Counts!

By August 09, 2008 , ,

It will be easier for you to save change every day if you really stay aware of just how much the miscellaneous coins add up to.

For example, 40 quarters will be $10.00, so aim to get 40 quarters saved throughout a week. If you keep the goal simple and clearly defined, it will make accomplishing it so much easier! If every Sunday night you have your 40 quarters saved, that's $10.00 for your savings account.

50 dimes will be $5.00, so every dime you see, pick up. If you can aim to get 50 dimes throughout a week, come Sunday evening you will have and additional $5 to add to your $10.

So keep it simple and straightforward. Know exactly what your goal is (say 40 quarters a week), and you will be much more likely to not only accomplish your goal but to stay motivated while doing it.

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