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Potatoes: Fade Age Spots Naturally

By February 24, 2012

If you are looking in the mirror and seeing age spots looking back at you, but you just do not have money in your budget to buy expensive age spot remedies, you might want to buy some potatoes instead! It has been said that potatoes can help fade those age spots that insist on showing up on our faces and hands. Potatoes contain catecholase, which happens to be the enzyme used in many skin-care products. It lightens the skin by blocking pigment cells that cause discolorations and dark circles.

Grate a fresh potato and place the pieces in a cheesecloth. Hold this under your eyes to help with those dark under eye circles, or place directly on age spots to help fade them. Do this about 5 minutes a day. I have also read that you can place sliced potato slices directly on the age spots as well to help fade them, or grind a potato completely then apply the paste to your skin.

I will tell you that I have not tried this natural remedy for age spots, so I cannot guarantee you that it will work or not. Also, I would suggest using the cheesecloth method (or another soft thin cloth) if you try this, just because I think the potato juice could possibly irritate some skin. Again, I do not know- but better safe than sorry, right?

What natural skin care remedies have you discovered and/or used? Did they work?

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