How I Save Money For Special Gifts
There are special occasions throughout the year when you know you will want to buy someone special a gift, such as birthdays, Valentine's Day and anniversaries. Buying these kinds of presents can be a less painful part of your budget, as long as you start early and stay organized. January is the perfect month to go through your calendar and mark off the different special events and holidays that will be coming up this year. Once you have made a list, start thinking about what present you would like to get for each person on your list.
Next, start browsing now for those gifts. Then it becomes a simple matter of budgeting. For example,I knew that for Valentine's Day this year I wanted to get my hubby a new watch. So I started searching and comparing online prices for the Casio gshock I knew he wanted. When I found the best price, I then took that amount and divided it by 30. The watch is listed for $99 which means I would save $3.00 plus change a day for the next 30 days. I put that $3.00 in a special envelope just for that watch. Now the earlier you start your budgeting for gifts you'll be buying throughout the year, the easier it will be. For a June graduation, for example, a $200 watch can be budgeted into your finances by simply saving approximately $1 and some change a day.
And the extra bonus to this savings tip? No last minute shopping!