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205 Days Till Christmas 2013!

By June 02, 2013 ,

205. Days. Till. Christmas 2013.

Doesn't sound too scary.

Now schools starting summer vacations ...that is cause for panic, right?

Well, true enough about summer. I know I am taking long deep breaths and giving myself pep talks as my kids' last day of school draws near. Yet, I am aware of fleeting thoughts of Christmas already as well. Sure, I quickly shrug off the thoughts, because after all, we have 205 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS.

Somehow this morning as my youngest son curled up tight against me in bed I started thinking about past Christmases, and how I always stressed about money, gifts, money, parties, gifts, money..,  .

So I scooted my slumbering dream boy over and crawled out of bed to the computer to find out exactly how many days we have left until the Christmas Tree goes up.

Well, to be exact, how many days till the kids race down the stairs expecting to see said Christmas Tree surrounded by lots of presents.

205 Days.

There is time. But that time should start getting used wisely this time around, not just noted and discarded (that is what I told myself, anyway.) So i did a little calculating (I have been known to do this before) and this is what I came up with:

A sort of savings plan. Now mind you, I based this on 180 days instead of 205 days because really, who is going to save all the way up to Christmas Day and forget about the actual shopping? Saving is good, yes, but only if I have enough time to actually get out and spend what I have saved? Yes?


If one were to stash away one quarter a day for the next 180 days, one would have a grand total of $45, Yes, I hear you. What good will $45 do me at Christmas time?? Think about it for a minute. Remember last year...I bet you would find some good use for that $45. A gift card or two even? Teacher gifts? Stocking stuffers perhaps? Maybe wrapping paper, gift tags, and boxes. Just putting a quarter away every day could scratch one gift off your list -- right?

Now, if one were to save say $.75 a day for the next 180 days, well then you would have saved $130 at the end of those 180 days. Not bad, eh? Maybe a bit tougher to remember to put those 3 quarters aside every day, so alternatively you could save $5.25 a week to get the same result.

For those who can save $5/day over the next 180 days...you will have an extra $900 to spend at Christmas time!!

And of course, saving $10/day for 180 days...a cool $1800 to spend on gifts.

Back to easier saving goals (for my sake, don't ya know?)

Saving .50 everyday for the next 180 days will amount to a grand total of $90. Again, not a huge amount of money, but heck, I can find very good uses for it!

Put one dollar away every day, and you will have $180 come Christmas.

So yea, there are 205 days till Christmas. Just imagine the possibilities of a less stressful holiday season if we were to truly start putting those 205 days to good use now.

 Start saving money today, no matter how little. It will add up. Just save something everyday. Put the money in a special envelope marked "Holidays." It will make you smile every time you add money to it.

Browse garage sales now. Make lists of homemade gifts you would like to make this year. Find extra ways to make money using your computer.

205 Days till Christmas.

How will you use those days?

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