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Make Your Own Lip Gloss (Makes Cute Stocking Stuffers!)

By August 22, 2012 ,

Easy Peasy: make your own strawberry lip gloss recipe!

These make little stocking stuffers, party favors, and are perfect to add to gift baskets.

What You Need:

Petroleum Jelly

Imitation Strawberry Extract (like McCormick Imitation Strawberry Extract - about $3 at Walmart)

Cute little jars, lip gloss type pots, etc. to put your lip gloss in.

To Make Lip Gloss:

Melt about 1/4 petroleum jelly in a glass bowl for about 30 sec. If it has not completely melted, stir and heat for about 10-15 sec. intervals until the jelly has melted and turns to liquid.

Let the liquid cool until it turns a cloudy color. Add in about 1/2 tsp. of the imitation strawberry extract.

Stir mixture until color is uniform, then pour into the containers/lip gloss pots - make sure whatever you are using has caps or lids to keep the lip gloss fresh.

You should have enough gloss to fill 4 small lip gloss size pots/containers.

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