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5 Interesting Uses For Toothpaste (besides brushing teeth!)

By January 30, 2010 , , ,

Hold on to that almost finished tube of toothpaste! There are at least 5 interesting uses for toothpaste that work well and will save you money-

1. Get Crayon Marks Off Walls!
Squirt a small dab of non-gel toothpaste on the wall where the mark is. Rub gently with a soft cloth, then rinse with warm water.And presto! Crayon "art" is gone! (Maybe you want to take a picture of said "art" first??)

2. Clean Sneakers
Use an old toothbrush and non-gel toothpaste to rub off scuff marks.

3. DVD Scratches be Gone
Well, light scratches anyway. Squeeze a little non-gel toothpaste onto a cotton ball. Wipe over the DVD starting from the center out to the edge. Rinse with water and dry with a non-abrasive lint-free cloth.

4. Polish Your Silver
Squeeze a touch of non-gel toothpaste, that has baking soda as a main ingredient, on a soft cloth and lightly polish your silver to remove the tarnish!

5. De-Fog Your Swimming Goggles
So this one use for toothpaste you may not use so much, but hey-- if you use goggles for swimming, this could be handy one day, right? Just coat the inside of swimming goggles with toothpaste, then wipe off—they’ll be crystal clear.

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